Product Datasheet

Product Description
Product: IgG, Human Plasma
Catalog Number: HU-GF
Product Page:
Description: Purified from normal serum by immobilized Protein A. IgG is the most abundant immunoglobulin in plasma, found at a concentration of 8 to 18 mg/ml. This immunoglobulin plays a very important role in the defense against infection for newborns because of its transfer through the placenta during pregnancy. It readily diffuses into the extravascular body spaces where it plays a major role in neutralizing bacterial toxins and in enhancing the phagocytosis of microorganisms. IgG binds to bacteria and these complexes adhere to phagocytic cells which have surface receptors specific for IgG. Prepared from serum shown to be non reactive for HbsAG, anti-HCV, anti-HBc, and negative for anti-HIV 1 & 2 by FDA approved tests. >95percent pure by SDS-PAGE.

This material is sold for in-vitro use only in manufacturing and research. This material is not suitable for human use. It is the responsibility of the user to undertake sufficient verification and testing to determine the suitability of each product’s application. The statements herein are offered for informational purposes only and are intended to be used solely for your consideration, investigation and verification.
Recommended Storage: SAMPLE
Minimum Shelf Life: 104.50
Technical Information
Purity: Human
Source: 10 mg/ml
Molecular Weight: Proteins
Extinction Coefficient: 160,000
Antigen: -70 C
Target: Frozen liquid
Target Molecular Weight: HUMAN IMMUNOGLOBULINS
Host: 361
Clonality: 5
Isotype: Human plasma
Applications: Dry ice
Cross-reactivity: 5 years from delivery
Sample Characteristics
Lot Number: HU-GF-IHUIGGAP1000MG
Aliquot: 1 x Human IgG Affinity Purified 1000mg
Concentration: 110
Volume: 380
Titer: 0.02M Sodium Phosphate; 0.15M NaCl; pH 7.4
Buffer: SAMPLE
Form: 50 mg
Preservative: 5 ml
Optimal experimental conditions and working dilutions must be determined by the end user. Sample concentration and volume are for example purposes only and do not necessarily represent the product that will be received. Please contact us for a current lot-specific product datasheet.
For in vitro laboratory use only
Molecular Innovations, Inc. - 46430 Peary Court, Novi, MI 48377, USA
Tel: (888) 557-5055 - Fax: (248) 896-0148 -