Product Datasheet

Product Description
Product: Human IgG Depleted Serum
Catalog Number: HPLA-SER-GF
Product Page:
Description: Prepared from frozen human serum using immobilized Protein A/G.

This material is sold for in-vitro use only in manufacturing and research. This material is not suitable for human use. It is the responsibility of the user to undertake sufficient verification and testing to determine the suitability of each product’s application. The statements herein are offered for informational purposes only and are intended to be used solely for your consideration, investigation and verification.
Recommended Storage: SAMPLE
Minimum Shelf Life: 213.50
Source: <0.5 mg/ml Human IgG
Molecular Weight: Proteins
Antigen: -70 C
Target: Frozen liquid
Target Molecular Weight: IGG DEPLETED PLASMA
Host: 847
Clonality: 30
Isotype: Human serum
Applications: Dry ice
Cross-reactivity: 3 years from delivery
Concentration: 305
Volume: 1210
Buffer: SAMPLE
Form: 100 ml
Preservative: 100 ml
Optimal experimental conditions and working dilutions must be determined by the end user. Sample concentration and volume are for example purposes only and do not necessarily represent the product that will be received. Please contact us for a current lot-specific product datasheet.
For in vitro laboratory use only
Molecular Innovations, Inc. - 46430 Peary Court, Novi, MI 48377, USA
Tel: (888) 557-5055 - Fax: (248) 896-0148 -