Product Datasheet

Product Description
Product: Recombinant human Factor XII
Catalog Number: HFXII-INS
Product Page:
Description: Recombinant Human Factor XII is a single chain glycoprotein produced in insect cell culture. Factor XII is converted, principally from the action of kallikrein, into an active serine protease (Factor alpha-Xlla) that functions in the in vivo initiation of blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, and kinin formation. The protein purity is determined by SDS-PAGE and activity is determined via complementation in an APTT clotting assay using Factor XII immuno-deficient human plasma. Specific activity of this recombinant product is typically lower than that of plasma derived material. Custom mutants of Factor XII are also available, please contact us for more details.
Recommended Storage: SAMPLE
Minimum Shelf Life: 234.50
Source: 0.25 mg/ml
Molecular Weight: Proteins
Extinction Coefficient: 80,000 (Human Plasma Derived)
Antigen: -70 C
Target: Frozen liquid
Target Molecular Weight: FACTOR XII
Host: 423.5
Clonality: 30
Isotype: Insect cell culture
Applications: Dry ice
Cross-reactivity: 3 years from delivery
Concentration: 335
Volume: 605
Titer: 4 mM Sodium Acetate; 0.15 M NaCl; pH 5.3
Buffer: SAMPLE
Form: 0.05 mg
Preservative: 0.2 ml
Optimal experimental conditions and working dilutions must be determined by the end user. Sample concentration and volume are for example purposes only and do not necessarily represent the product that will be received. Please contact us for a current lot-specific product datasheet.
For in vitro laboratory use only
Molecular Innovations, Inc. - 46430 Peary Court, Novi, MI 48377, USA
Tel: (888) 557-5055 - Fax: (248) 896-0148 -